Sunday, August 03, 2008


I wasn't going to post on Sundays, but I decided to reinstate something I used to do on my blog.

I'll post a prayer for you to borrow if you're ever in need of one.

Last Sunday our pastor talked about Peter and how he was the only other person besides Jesus who was known to have walked on water. For a few steps...he really did until he took his eyes off Jesus and let his circumstances (crashing waves, depth of the water, etc.) overwhelm him.

One thing that Sandor said that really clicked with me and cracked the entire congregation up!) was that, at least he got out of the boat and tried. Granted he started sucking water but he stepped over that side into something that should have sank him but his feet of momentary faith found solid footing as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus.

Sandor's point was that there needs to be balance between intellectualism and faith. With too much intellectualism, we miss the supernatural. With not enough, we could end up sucking water. I'm paraphrasing now, but Sandor's words about sucking water were hilarious. He made great points.

First, I'd love to know if any of you have ever tried to actually walk on water? Come on...fess up. Sondor did. I had to laugh when he said that because I remember a day when several of my friends and me tried it...all day...without success. But we tried. And I'll bet that made God smile. And I'll bet it made God smile when Sandor tried too. It takes a certain amount of humility to admit things like that. I'm thankful for leaders in my church who are humble enough to be that transparent. The main way I serve my church is by praying for it. Having the blessing of leaders who love Jesus and are true disciples makes my part easy.

What kind of faith does it take to defy waves and laws of gravity and submersion? I don't have it...apparently. Peter did...if even for a moment. Do you? I don't recommend trying to drown yourself. If you're going to try this at home...please...let it be in a few inches of water and not from the side of a boat unless you're wearing a life jacket or are a great swimmer. LOL! Then again Peter probably wasn't wearing inflatables. LOL! And neither was Jesus. His faith kept him up.

Recently a fellow writer died. I was amazed and inspired by her husband's unfailing faith as he continued Kristy Dyke's blog after her tumor left her unable. And right before that another family friend lost his wife. He said he always thought himself a strong person until the loss of his wife upended him. But, what he didn't realize was how strong he still looked to everyone around him because of his faith and his tears of love for his wife. Please pray for these two men (Micky Robison and Milton Dykes) for their tumultous sea is one of missing their beloved wives and believe me, the waves of grief are some of the strongest life comes crashing with. Their faith doesn't mean they won't grieve or hurt. But their faith will keep them from sinking to the depths of an unseen sea so dark and disabling you won't understand unless you've been there.

Father, we pray that you will empower us to believe you for great and mighty things. Bless our churches with supernatural things that will let people know you're still the same God who parted the sea, turned water into wine and raised people from death. You created the universe with your very breath. Please breathe in us faith. Let it be a living thing. Let our faith make you famous Lord and bring attention to you and not us. Whatever our challenges are today, help us step out of that boat...whatever it may be. Bless our churches and our leaders. Help us reflect you. Give us the kind of faith that you and Peter had when you literally walked across the surface of the sea. Bouy those in our lives who've lost loved ones. Please lift your children up and carry them through the tumult of loss. In Jesus' name, Amen.

1 comment:

Anita Mae Draper said...

Hey Cheryl, for someone who didn't want to write a post on a Sunday, you've done a wonderful job.

Last Jan, I was led to start a whole blog for our church. I didn't even tell the Pastor until it was up and running. One of the first sermons I convered was about what you spoke of - Peter having the courage to actually get out of the boat to start with.

I know you're busy but if you'd like, you can read my blog post 'Get Out of the Boat!' on Pastor Lorne's message here:

Come to think of it, some of the Steeple Hill ladies on eharl have found comfort in the blog post on the same page called 'We are the Boat Rowers'. It sure speaks to people who think their lives are stuck in a rut with no way out.

Have a God day!