Hey all! I am as pleased as winter snap peas dipped in Wasabi to introduce my good friend and FABU author Camy Tang...and an interview with grandma Sakai from Camy's Sushi Series!
Everything you always wanted to know about an Asian grandma but were afraid to ask
Camy: Today we’re interviewing Chieko Sakai, who has starred in two of my books, SUSHI FOR ONE and ONLY UNI. Readers probably know her as Grandma Sakai. How are you today, Grandma?
Grandma Sakai: Fine, thank you. I appreciate you having me here today.
Camy: Anytime, Grandma. Now, our readers want to know how you feel about Lex’s new boyfriend Aiden.
Grandma Sakai: I’m very happy for Lex. Aiden is a nice boy. Steady job, good income.
Camy: How about the fact he’s not Asian?
Grandma Sakai: I am perfectly happy with her choice of significant other, regardless of ethnicity. Although I don’t quite understand why she couldn’t be happy with a nice Japanese boy.
Camy: How are things with you and Trish?
Grandma Sakai: Things are perfectly fine.
Camy: Uh ... they are?
Grandma Sakai: Of course. Trish is my favorite granddaughter.
Camy: Didn’t you tell that to Mimi at the last family gather—
Grandma Sakai: Trish is the only granddaughter who speaks Japanese. I’m very proud of her initiative to keep in touch with her heritage.
Camy: She doesn’t seem to like one particular Japanese boy too much. Not that in touch with her heritage, is she?
Grandma Sakai: She just needs to understand how perfect Kazuo is for her, that’s all. She’ll realize it eventually. Trish is a smart girl.
Camy: What if she doesn’t come around?
Grandma Sakai: (Huffily) Trish has always understood what’s expected of her from her family. She wouldn’t want to disappoint Grandma, now would she? Grandma’s good opinion is very important to her.
Camy: Grandma, you’re talking in third person again—
Grandma Sakai: Grandma would be extremely irritated if she didn’t oblige her family with a good match to a good Japanese boy like Kazuo.
Camy: But what if Trish doesn’t want—
Grandma Sakai: In fact, Grandma might resort to other measures if Trish did something to displease Grandma.
Camy: Hooboy, interview’s over. Thanks for being here, Grandma. (hissing) (You’re doing an interview! You can’t make threats on a blog!)
Grandma Sakai: (Well, you started it. If you’d just write the book differently—)
Camy: (We’ll discuss this later.) Thanks for having us here, Cheryl!
Camy Tang is the loud Asian chick who writes loud Asian chick lit. She used to be a biologist, but now she is a staff worker for her church youth group and leads a worship team for Sunday service. She also runs the Story Sensei fiction critique service. On her blog, she gives away Christian novels every Monday and Thursday, and she ponders frivolous things like dumb dogs (namely, hers), coffee-geek husbands (no resemblance to her own...), the writing journey, Asiana, and anything else that comes to mind. Visit her website at http://www.camytang.com/ for a huge website contest going on right now, giving away five boxes of books and 25 copies of her latest release, ONLY UNI.
AND....here on my blog...we're giving away TWO more copies of ONLY UNI!
Leave a comment with a valid e-mail address before April 1st so I can contact you if you win. Remember to leave spaces in it so the spiders don't phish your addy.
Cheryl Wyatt
Ooh, I'd love the chance to win one of these books. I know you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but these are soooo beautiful!
chadsturge [at] hotmail [dot] com
The interview with Grandma was classic! I don't need to be in the drawing -- I have the book and I LOVED it!
Fun post!
I loved the interview with Grandma, and would love to win Only Uni!
cjarvis [at] bellsouth [dot] net
Loved the interview! I would love to get my hands on this series. *mutters about the library not getting books she wants.
I love the interview with Grandma!
could you contact me at my shoutlife page if i win?
I'd love to win a copy of Camy's book.
hawkes AT citlink.net
Please enter me in your drawing. I like Camy! Thanks,Cindi
Put me in the drawing. I'd love to have the book.
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