Thursday, December 06, 2007


Camy Tang is doing a Twelve Authors of Christmas thing on her blog...and she's kicking it off with yours truly.
If you want to see a picture of my cutie patootie hubby and my little troop, check out Camy's Loft.
Oh, and she also interviewed me about Christmasy can see our tree too. The one my husband won the argument over. LOL! (For ten years, I've wanted a white tree. For ten years, he's wanted a green tree. So we've had a small pink princess tree for the girls but no big tree because we were at a stalemate regarding the whole red tree, white tree thing.
His mom had a talk with him. Made him feel guilty because we haven't had a tree for our children. LOL!
He took us to the store THAT day. In fact, his brother and sister-in-law went with us tree shopping fully prepared to referee the white-tree/green-tree battle.
Shopping was interesting.
Suffice it to say we now have THREE trees. LOL!
A four foot white one in the living room.
An eight foot green one in the family room. (Hey, I let him have the biggest tree.)
The previous one foot pinkish-purple one in the playroom.
Hope you will check it out!!!!

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