Friday, August 24, 2007

What would you be willing to endure just to be with Him?

Yes, I write romance....and that header kinda sounds like a romance kind of question. I love my hubby more than words can say, but I'm even more passionately in love with Jesus.
A friend (thanks, Robin!) sent me this link and I BAWLED my eyes out. I mean the kind of heaving cry that comes from your gut.
Get your tissues ready, click the link, and be prepared to be changed and touched. It's got a slow start...but well worth it if you watch until the end.
Warning: Don't have anything important planned after you watch this. It'll make you want to hole up in your room and worship for about ten hours straight.
Check it out and let me know what you think.
If you're a lurker here...come out and play with us! Hee hee!
and by the way...the subject line is a bit misleading....He endured the worst of EVERYTHING for us. Just to be with us. The message in this video speaks for itself, but if you're struggling to believe the depths and lengths Jesus would go to just to be in relationship with really NEED to watch this.

Cheryl Wyatt   Gal. 2:20   Pouring my vial of words over Him.

A SOLDIER'S PROMISE~ Steeple Hill Love Inspired~ Jan. 2008
A SOLDIER'S FAMILY~ Steeple Hill Love Inspired~ Mar. 2008

1 comment:

Shauna said...

Whoa! I don't know how I missed this post before, but all I can say is goose-bumps on goose-bumps! That is powerful and moving!