Tuesday, December 21, 2010

In Seekerville Today

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Book Recommendation: Her Healing Ways by Lyn Cote

Hi all!

Here to tell you about a new book by an author I love and who is as delightful in person as her characters are on the page.

Don't you adore this cover? I love it.

Here's the scoop:

Unconventional. Unafraid. Unwelcome. A female physician with an adopted black daughter? The townsfolk of Idaho Bend will never accept Dr. Mercy Gabriel—even when faced with a deadly cholera epidemic. But all Mercy needs is one man willing to listen…and to trust. Four years of war command turned Lon Mackey into a footloose gambler who can't abide attachments. Yet he can't help getting riled by the threats Mercy keeps receiving. Her trailblazing courage could reignite his faith and humanity. And his loyalty could make her dream—for the first time—of a family of her own….

Here's a kernel from Romantic Times' review: "Her Healing Ways (Four Stars)
is a wonderful love story between two people with different outlooks
on life, who together bring out the best in each other. Cote knows
what will keep readers interested in the story and uses this knowledge
throughout her story. Don't miss this wonderful book."

Lyn Cote's Web site.

Are you an aspiring author? For Lyn's latest Christian Fiction Market Updates, click here.
You'll want to bookmark that page.

Holiday Blessings!

Cheryl Wyatt

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Recommending Cindy Woodsmall's The Sound of Sleigh Bells

I have a new book to tell you about by an author I love!

The Sound of Sleigh Bells by Cindy Woodsmall. This book is a re-release, in case you missed it the first time. I hope you'll pick it up, just in time for the holidays. It will help usher in the spirit of CHRISTmas.


Beth Hertzler works alongside her beloved Aunt Lizzy in their dry goods store, and serving as contact of sorts between Amish craftsmen and Englischers who want to sell the Plain people’s wares. But remorse and loneliness still echo in her heart everyday as she still wears the dark garb, indicating mourning of her fiancé. When she discovers a large, intricately carved scene of Amish children playing in the snow, something deep inside Beth’s soul responds and she wants to help the unknown artist find homes for his work–including Lizzy’s dry goods store. But she doesn’t know if her bishop will approve of the gorgeous carving or deem it idolatry.

Lizzy sees the changes in her niece when Beth shows her the woodworking, and after Lizzy hunts down Jonah, the artist, she is all the more determined that Beth meets this man with the hands that create healing art. But it’s not that simple–will Lizzy’s elaborate plan to reintroduce her niece to love work? Will Jonah be able to offer Beth the sleigh ride she’s always dreamed of and a second chance at real love–or just more heartbreak?

2010 Inspirational Readers Choice Contest winner
CBA and ECPA Bestseller

To read the first chapter and/or for purchasing info, go here.

Bio ~

Cindy Woodsmall is a New York Times best-selling author whose connection with the Amish community has been featured on ABC Nightline and on the front page of the Wall Street Journal.

She is also a veteran homeschool mom who no longer holds that position. As her children progressed in age, her desire to write grew stronger. After working through reservations whether this desire was something she should pursue, she began her writing journey. Her husband was her staunchest supporter as she aimed for what seemed impossible.

To visit Cindy’s Web site, go here.

For information on how to receive free bookmarks and autographed bookplates, go here.

If you've read any other great Christmastime books, post the titles in the comment section. I LOVE seasonal stories.

Later, taters!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

In Seekerville Today

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, November 08, 2010

Recommending WINTER REUNION by Roxanne Rustand

Hey all, I'm recommending a great book by fabulous author and friend, Roxanne Rustand. I just LOVE this cover...don't you? Makes me want to go there.


When wounded marine Devlin Sloane comes back to Aspen Creek, he's surprised by his late mother's will. His new business partner for the next six months is Beth Carrigan. His ex-wife. This might prove Dev's most difficult mission yet. He's never stopped loving the sweet bookstore owner, but his military career broke them apart.

Now, as Beth and Dev work together helping others get a new start on life, Dev hopes that he can break down the walls between them. And explore the possibilities of a new life and love together.

Christianbook.com Excerpt

Christianbook.com Purchase Link

Roxanne's Web site

If you're not familiar with Roxanne's work, I hope you'll give it a try. She's one of my favorite storytellers. Plus, I love Love Inspired books! So that's an added bonus.

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, November 01, 2010

A Prairie Christmas Collection

I have an amazing compilation to tell you about. Several authors collaborated on a book titled A Prairie Christmas Collection from Barbour Books
Authors include Tracie Peterson, Deborah Raney, Tracey Bateman and other favorite Christian authors.


Settling the vast open prairies, weathering winter storms, and finding joy to celebrate during Christmas epitomizes the pioneer experience. In a unique collection of nine Christmas romances, Barbour Publishing brings readers A Prairie Christmas Collection where they can relive a prairie Christmas with all its challenge and delights as penned by multi-published authors, including Tracie Peterson and Deborah Raney. Featuring deckled-edge pages and a foil-stamped cover with fold-under flaps, the collection makes an ideal gift for the romance reader.
In this holiday romance collection, the warmth of Christmas will radiate new love from the high plains of Minnesota and Dakota Territory, across the rolling hills of Nebraska, Iowa, and Illinois, and down into the flats of Kansas. Filled with inspiration and faith, each story will become a treasure to be enjoyed again each year. Along with Peterson and Raney, other contributing authors include Tracey Bateman, Pamela Griffin, JoAnn A. Grote, Maryn Langer, Darlene Mindrup, Janet Spaeth and Jill Stengl.

For more information see Deborah Raney's website here.

Available in bookstores everywhere, or order online at CBD.com, amazon.com or other bookstores online.

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Recommending Legacy of Lies by Jill Elizabeth Nelson

Hey all, here's another great read by a friend and fellow Love Inspired author Jill Elizabeth Nelson whose tagline I love! It's Endless Adventure, Timeless Truth. This one is romantic suspense/mystery and can be purchased anywhere books are sold. Enjoy!


Secrets Buried Deep!
Evidence from a decades-old murder is the last thing Nicole Keller-Mattson expected to find in her grandmother’s back yard, but the finger-pointing and accusations leveled at her family came as no surprise. Everyone in Ellington is eager to blame the Kellers—but after an attack leaves Nicole’s grandmother in a coma, only Nicole can clear the family name. With the assistance of police chief Rich Hendricks, she stands a chance of solving the mystery . . . if she’s willing to accept Rich’s help. Nicole lost her policeman husband in the line of duty—getting close to another cop is too painful. But keeping her distance could be deadly.


I’ve always been fascinated by social dynamics in a small town. Having lived in rural communities all my life, I’m intimately familiar with the unique politics involved. Crafting a story about the shadow cast over a town by its founding family came readily to me. I was particularly interested to explore the affect past sins and secrets can have on a tight-knit community and how the illusion of power is always trumped by the immutable laws of God. We do reap what we sow, no matter how grand and invincible we imagine ourselves to be.

The scripture I used at the front of the book was Psalm 37: 10 – 11 from the NIV version of the Bible: A little while and the wicked will be no more; Though you look for them, they will not be found. But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace. I comfort myself with these words quite often when I see the injustices in the world.



Jill Elizabeth Nelson writes what she likes to read—tales of adventure seasoned with romance, humor, and faith, earning her the tagline: Endless Adventure, Timeless Truth. She was delightfully astonished this year to receive the prestigious Carol Award in the Short Contemporary Suspense category for her 2009 release, Evidence of Murder. Jill speaks regularly at conferences, writer’s groups, library associations, and civic and church groups. When teaching classes for writers, she thrills to bring the Ahah! moment to her students as they make a new skill their own. Jill and her husband live in rural Minnesota where they raised four children and are currently enjoying their first grandchild. Visit Jill on the web (link below) for book giveaways, excerpts, and information.


Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

In Seekerville Today

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, October 18, 2010

Facelift by Leanna Ellis

Hey all,

Have a new book to tell you about by an author friend whose work I love. It's available wherever books are sold. Here's the scoop:

Author: Leanna Ellis
ISBN: 0805449892
B&H Publishing

A ‘can do’ kind of woman runs her own business, raises her teenage daughter, and takes care of her ex-mother-in-law after a botched facelift. But Kaye learns a facelift is more than skin deep. Joy is more than tacking on a happy face. It's relying on her sovereign God who has a plan for her life.

About the author:
Winner of the National Readers Choice Award, Leanna Ellis writes women’s fiction and is known for her quirky characters and wacky plots as in her current novel, FACELIFT. But don’t let the quirkiness fool you, Ellis probes the heart and plucks at the heartstrings. In 2011 FORSAKEN, the first of an Amish/vampire series, will debut. Now that is wacky!

Amazon Purchase Link

Excerpt Link

Author website and blog.

Look for Leanna's PLAIN FEAR series starting Aug. 2011

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, October 11, 2010

Recommending the London Confidential Series by Sandra Byrd

Hey all! I'd like to tell you about a fun series by Sandra Byrd: London Confidential

Byrd's ability to provide a fun story that incorporates biblical truth will help teens relate to this new series. Readers will identify with the struggle to fit in while staying true to one's convictions.
Romantic Times, 4 star review

Book Three, Don't Kiss Him Goodbye, finds Savvy, now established in her quirky British village, working hard to get an article with her own byline published. When an attractive and mysterious boy asks her for help with his school work, Savvy is slowly pulled into his circle and soon finds out that the wrong set of friends—boys and girls—can influence her own behavior. Following her own advice to cut ties with a charming bad boy would mean abandoning her dearest wishes, and it just doesn't seem as wrong as it feels. Is it? Read on for surprise twists throughout the book!

In a shocking turn of events, all writers for the Wexburg Academy Times will cast their votes for next year's editor—and it looks like Savvy's vote will be the tie breaker! In Book Four, Flirting With Disaster, Savvy must choose between a nasty-girl-turned-nice, with a sudden interest in letting Savvy get what she wants, and the prickly Hazelle, who promises nothing at all. Savvy then finds herself wrapped up in a new, seemingly innocent but potentially dangerous activity. It's all at risk in this book: her position on the paper, the boy she likes, the ministry she wants to go well. At a critical moment, Savvy must figure out how to rely on God rather than luck and to overcome temptation before it is too late.

London Confidential is a new series for tweens and teens where British fashion, friendships, and guys collide as an all-American teen girl learns to love life and live out her faith.

Please visit Sandra online at http://www.sandrabyrd.com/
The books can be purchased at amazon.com through her website or at other fine online or local bookstores near you. If they're not stocked, just ask!

London Confidential Books 1 and 2 were featured in Focus on the Family's Thriving Family Magazine ... click here.

Have fun with these books!



Monday, October 04, 2010

Recommending The Perfect Blend by Trish Perry

Hey all! Recommending another book by a fabulous author: The Perfect Blend by Trish Perry published by Harvest House. I ABSOLUTELY love this cover, don't you? Makes me want to go there. The Perfect Blend is Book 1 in The Teashop Series...how fun!

A little about Trish:

Award-winning novelist Trish Perry has written The Perfect Blend (2010), Sunset Beach (2009), Beach Dreams (2008), Too Good to Be True (2007), and The Guy I’m Not Dating (2006), all for Harvest House Publishers. Her monthly column, “Real Life is Stranger,” appeared in Christian Fiction Online Magazine during its inaugural year. She was editor of Ink and the Spirit, the newsletter of Washington D.C.’s Capital Christian Writers organization (CCW), for seven years. Before her novels, Perry published numerous short stories, essays, devotionals, and poetry in Christian and general market media. She will release several new books in 2011.

Perry holds a B.A. in Psychology, was a 1980s stockbroker, and held positions at the Securities and Exchange Commission and in several Washington law firms. She serves on the Board of Directors of CCW and is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. She invites you to visit her at www.trishperry.com

A little about The Perfect Blend:

Steph Vandergrift left everything to elope with Middleburg attorney Rick Manfred, who then stood her up at the altar. Too embarrassed to return home, Steph hopes to earn enough to get by until she can decide what to do next. Tea Shop owner Milly Jewel hires her and appreciates the extra help at the tea shop.

Also appreciative of Steph is Kendall James, one of the kindest, most eligible bachelors in the area. But by the time Steph feels able to consider dating again, her run-away fiancé returns and tries to win her back. Steph is wary, but she and Rick always blended so well.

Christie Burnham, the frank-talking equestrian from whom Steph rents a room, and her frillier sister Liz become fast friends and confidantes to Steph. Between the two sisters, there isn't much any man is going to pull over on Middleburg's newest bachelorette and tea shop employee.

Hope you'll pick it up!

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, September 27, 2010

Recommending Letters in the Attic by DeAnna Dodson

Hey all! Recommendng a new book by new-to-me author, DeAnna Dodson

About DeAnna Julie Dodson

DeAnna Julie Dodson is the author of In Honor Bound, By Love Redeemed and To Grace Surrendered, a trilogy of medieval romances, and Letters in the Attic, a contemporary mystery in the Annie’s Attic series. She is currently working on The Drew Farthering Mysteries, a new series of books set in 1930s England. A graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas, she currently lives in North Texas with four spoiled cats and, when not writing, enjoys quilting, cross stitch and NHL hockey.

About Letters in the Attic

Up in her grandmother’s attic in Stony Point, Maine, Annie Dawson finds a stack of old letters from her childhood friend Susan Morris. Annie remembers Susan fondly and would like to get back in touch, but nobody seems to know what’s become of her. Her friends at The Hook and Needle Club aren’t much help either. All they remember is that Susan left town more than twenty years ago to marry a very wealthy man, but none of them is quite sure who he was. And Annie can find no record of any marriage.
The more Annie searches, the more she begins to wonder if something has happened to Susan. Something bad.


Tell us about your latest book.

I’m very excited about the release of Letters in the Attic, an Annie’s Attic Mystery. Letters is the fourth book in this new series about Annie Dawson, a widow from Texas who goes up to clean out and sell her late grandmother’s Victorian house in Maine only to find a whole attic full of intriguing and sometimes mysterious objects. The series particularly interested me because Annie and her friends are all needleworkers – knitters, crocheters, quilters, cross-stitchers – and I’ve been interested in needlework for as long as I can remember.

Letters in the Attic came out this summer from DRG.

What's your favorite part of the story?

I think I enjoyed writing Officer Roy Hamilton the most. I actually didn’t think much about him at first. He was meant to be a very minor character who was there just to take fingerprints. Soon, though, he let me know that that was not going to be enough for him. He put on his mirrored sunglasses and sauntered up to me and said he just knew I had something more important for him to do. And darned if he wasn’t right!

What do you hope your readers will get out of the story?

I think the most important thing is that there is freedom in truth. Hiding from it only weighs you down and keeps you prisoner. Facing the truth breaks those chains and breaks the hold of those who would use the fear of that truth against you. Once it’s in the light of day, whatever it is you’re hiding from, it loses its power.

Tell us a little about your writing. Is there any one thing or reference you keep handy when writing? Anything you kept around for this particular book?

Of course, the greatest reference tool these days is the internet. It’s made research so much easier, though you do have to be careful of which sources you trust. Still, I like to have some actual reference books handy when I’m writing. I especially like The Well-Tempered Sentence by Karen Elizabeth Gordon and Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss for solving those thorny grammar and usage questions. They’re both extremely practical while appealing to my sometimes-off-the-wall sense of humor.

For Letters in the Attic, of course, my best friend was the packet of series information the publisher gave me so my book would mesh with the others in the series. Since writing this kind of book was new to me, this packet was really a life saver.

Who do you rely on for help when writing?

Writing can be a very lonely and isolated job. And the worst part of it is that, once you’ve written something, you can never see it the way a new reader will see it. Obviously, you know what you meant to say when you wrote it, but does it really say that? Really? You just have to have a pre-reader look it over, someone who will speak the truth in love and tell you honestly what works and what doesn’t.

I met author Robin Hardy (The Chataine’s Guardian and many, many more) when I took a “Writing Christian Fiction” class at the local community college. At that point, I didn’t imagine I would ever actually be published. She was so gracious and so kind to this very green wannabe writer. She actually read through my 250,000-word manuscript (the one that became In Honor Bound) and showed me how to improve it and, more importantly, how I could cut it down to a manageable length. Now, years later, she’s still my first and best pre-reader and a terrific friend. She catches inconsistencies and stupid mistakes and tells me when something just falls flat. I would so much rather hear it from her than from my editor or, worst of all, from my readers. I’m so blessed to know her!

Aside from writing, what takes up most of your time?

I’m addicted to cross-stitch and quilting. I have just a ton of projects yet to be done because I want to do everything. That’s one of the reasons I have enjoyed working on this series so much. I can relate to the ladies in the Annie’s Attic Mysteries who love to make beautiful things by hand.

What advice would you give to an unpublished writer?

I suppose there are writing prodigies out there, people who can just sit down and write perfection from word one, but I’ve never met anyone like that. The only way I know to succeed in writing is to write. And write. And write. And read a lot. And write more. I’ve heard it said that it takes about ten thousand hours to really master the craft of writing. Shortcuts don’t work. Put in your time. There’s really no other way to end up with a product that will make you proud.

But while you’re putting in your time, don’t get discouraged. Really learning to write is a long, arduous process. It’s usually a thankless job. Lots of people say they want to write. Very few stick with it long enough to actually become writers. Writing is a lonely business. It can be a very discouraging one. But if it’s something God has called you to do, there is nothing else as satisfying. Stay the course. Learn your craft. Write the book that’s on your heart. God will use it where He sees fit.

DeAnna's Website

DeAnna's Blog

Purchase Letters in the Attic

Cheryl Wyatt

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Recommending Formula for Danger by Camy Tang-Love Inspired Suspense

Hey all! I'm thrilled to recommend a GREAT book by my great friend, Camy Tang. You must read the book dedication too...snicker, snicker. It mentions moi! LOLOL.

Anyway, I got to help plan and plot this book and I absolutely love the finished product. Camy writes romantic suspense with a kick of wasabi. You will love the ethnic flair to this too. And the spa setting...love it!

It can be purchased anywhere books are sold but I've also included links at the bottom of this information.

Here's info:

Formula for Danger by Camy Tang from Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense

About the book:


Someone wants dermatologist Rachel Grant's latest research, and they'll do anything to get it. Including trashing the plants needed for her breakthrough scar-reducing cream—and trying to run Rachel down. Desperate for help, she turns to Edward Villa, the only man she trusts. But the greenhouse owner knows too much about Rachel's research, and now he's a target, too. Break-ins, muggings, murder…the would-be thief is getting desperate—and getting closer. Edward vows to protect Rachel at all costs. Yet with time ticking away, Edward knows they have to uncover the madman shadowing Rachel before their chance for a future is destroyed.

Camy's website
Camy's blog

Order from:
Barnes and Noble

Large Print



Books a Million

Camy's Website
Sign up for her newsletter at her website! She has awesome writing advice and interesting stuff on her blog.


Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, September 13, 2010

Recommending Shelter of Hope by Lyn Cote-Steeple Hill

Hey all~!

A new book to tell you about from my FAVORITE publisher...Love Inspired Romance.

I LOVED this story and the premise. The characters leapt off the page. The opening was very intense...just how I like it! Hope you'll pick this one up and the other LIs this month. There are many great ones to choose from.

Title: Shelter of Hope
1st in New Friends Street series
Steeple Hill Publisher
# ISBN-13: 978-0373876211

Blurb: The House that Love Built
Struggling single mother Rosa Santos is deeply touched when volunteers
band together to build her a home. With a waitressing job, community
college and church, Rosa barely has time to help, let alone dream
about a husband and father figure. But when handsome volunteer Marc
Chambers hands her withdrawn young son a little hammer, her heart
swells. Suddenly, her son is blossoming. But the closer she and Marc
get, the more he pulls away. Why? He's built her a shelter of hope.
One she—and her son—pray he'll take refuge within….

Author: Lyn Cote

For the latest Christian Fiction Market Updates from Lyn:

More about Lyn:
When Lyn Cote became a mother, she gave up teaching, and while raising a son and a daughter, she began working on her first novel. Long years of rejection followed. Finally in 1997, Lyn got "the call." Her first book, Never Alone, was chosen by Steeple Hill for the new Love Inspired romance line. Since then, Lyn has had over thirty novels published. In 2006 Lyn's book, Chloe, was a finalist for the RITA, one of the highest awards in the romance genre. Lyn’s brand “Strong Women, Brave Stories,” always includes three elements: a strong heroine who is a passionate participant in her times, authentic historical detail and a multicultural cast of characters. Lyn also features stories of strong women both from real life and true to life fiction on her blog http://strongwomenbravestories.blogspot.com Lyn also can be found on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads. Drop by and "friend or follow" her. Now living her dream of writing books at her lake cottage in northern Wisconsin, Lyn hopes her books show the power of divine as well as human love.
To purchase a copy, drop by www.LynCote.net

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, August 30, 2010

Book recommendation: Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang

Hey all! Today I'm recommending Whisper on the Wind by Maureen Lang


She risked everything to rescue him.
But what if he doesn’t want to be saved?

Belgium, 1916

The German Imperial Army may have conquered Belgium on its march through Europe, but the small country refuses to be defeated. An underground newspaper surfaces to keep patriotism alive and bring hope and real news of the war to the occupied country. It may be a whisper amongst the shouts of the German army, but it’s a thorn in their side nonetheless—and Edward Kirkland will do anything to keep it in print . . . even risk his life.
Isa Lassone is a Belgium socialite whose family fled Europe at the first rumblings of war. Now, two years later, she sneaks back across enemy lines, determined to rescue Edward—the man she has loved from afar since she was a child.
But will he ever see her as more than the wealthy, silly girl his mother once cared for as a daughter?
When Edward refuses to leave, so does Isa, and soon she is drawn into his dangerous double life. But the Germans are closing in on the paper, and Edward had never planned to put any one else at risk . . . especially the beautiful, smart, yet obstinate young woman who has inconveniently managed to work her way into his life—and into his heart.

“Whisper on the Wind brings to life a time and place too often forgotten in historical fiction. . . . The suspenseful climax kept me on the edge of my seat!”
Lynn Austin, best-selling author of Though Waters Roar
“A suspense-filled romance. . . . an exciting page-turner, one that will have readers racing to reach the end so they can discover how it will turn out. I highly recommend Whisper on the Wind.”
Robin Lee Hatcher, best-selling author of A Vote of Confidence

A note from Maureen:

Whisper on the Wind holds a special place in my heart, because I conceived the idea during a time in my life when I wasn’t actively writing. I knew “someday” when I could devote myself to writing again, this would be the book I’d write. And here it is, years later—a book inspired by the true events surrounding a Belgian newspaper, La Libre Belgique. During the German occupation of Belgium in the First World War, the Germans ordered every legitimate Belgian newspaper to submit to censorship—and so sprang up La Libre Belgique, one of the few voices of opposition to the propaganda the Germans circulated. Their goal was to bring hope to a suppressed nation, and many people lost everything from their freedom to their fortunes, some even their lives to see this paper circulated. With so much material, it was easy to create a romantic tale of adventure and intrigue, so I hope you’ll enjoy the story—knowing the story-behind-the story is full of factual history.

A little about Maureen:
Maureen Lang is the author of several novels, including Pieces of Silver (a Christy finalist), The Oak Leaves (Holt Medallion Award of Merit, finalist in ACFW’s Book of the Year and Gayle Wilson Award of Excellence contests) and Look to the East (Inspirational Reader’s Choice Contest winner and Carol Award finalist). She is also the recipient of RWA’s Golden Heart and ACFW’s Noble Theme Award (now the Genesis). Maureen lives in the Midwest with her family and their much-loved dog, Susie. Visit her Web site at www.maureenlang.com.
Visit Maureen at:

Whisper on the Wind is available at any bookstore, from Tyndale House Publishers or online at:
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Whisper-Wind-Great-War-No/dp/1414324367/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1276273621&sr=1-8
Barnes and Noble: http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Whisper-on-the-Wind/Maureen-Lang/e/9781414324364/?itm=11&USRI=marueen+lang
Christian Book Distributors: http://www.christianbook.com/whisper-the-wind-the-great-war/maureen-lang/9781414324364/pd/324364?item_code=WW&netp_id=754871&event=ESRCN&view=details

Happy reading!

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, August 23, 2010

Recommended read: The Bridge of Peace by Cindy Woodsmall

Hi all! Today's recommended book is The Bridge of Peace by Cindy Woodsmall

Releases date Tuesday, August 31, 2010!

Headstrong schoolteacher Lena Kauffman finds herself at the center of controversy in her Amish community when a young man in her classroom refuses to submit to her authority. As her friends and family rally around her, especially longtime friend Grey Graber, things go from bad to worse when Grey’s wife, Elsie, becomes an accidental target in trouble meant for Lena. As the present unravels around them, each must find their own way through their private pain in order to find peace and a brighter future.

The Bridge of Peace is the second novel in the Ada’s House series and it returns to Dry Lake, Pennsylvania, and the beloved characters from The Hope of Refuge. The Hope of Refuge—Christy finalist, Inspirational Readers Choice Contest finalist, and a Carol Award finalist.

To read the first chapter of The Bridge of Peace or see a list of places to order it online, go to http://www.cindywoodsmall.com/books/bridge-of-peace_excerpt.php.

Cindy Woodsmall is a New York Times best-selling author whose connection with the Amish community has been featured on ABC Nightline and on the front page of the Wall Street Journal. She’s coauthor of an upcoming spring release, Plain Wisdom, which is a nonfiction book of touching and humorous life events written with an Old Order Amish friend.

Cindy is a fabulous author and a phenomenal person and one of my favorite Amish writers. I hope you'll pick up this book next time you're out. If you love it, post reviews on places like Amazon, etc. That really helps authors out.

Have a wonderful week!

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In Seekerville Today

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Friday, July 30, 2010

Recommended read: Abigail by Jill Eileen Smith

Hi blogosphere! Today's recommended read is Abigail by Jill Eileen Smith. Abigail released February 1, 2010 and is book 2 in Jill's The Wives of King David series. Bathsheba, book 3, releases March 1, 2011. Michal, book 1 is available now.

About the author:
Jill Eileen Smith has been married for 33 years to her beloved engineer husband, Randy, and together they have three adult sons. Two sons live in California pursuing a film career, and one lives at home finishing an English degree. She was a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom for 12 years so the transition to almost-empty-nester has been tough! She is most grateful for technology, particularly Skype. Jill lives with her family in Southeastern Michigan.

Ten random things about Jill (from Jill's perspective):
1. I am a third-born, married to a third-born, and we have three sons.
2. My maiden name and married name are the same.
3. I collect refrigerator magnets of places I’ve been.
4. I was a high-school valedictorian.
5. My hubby and I used to be camp counselors.
6. Randy (hubby) used to take me drag racing in his '66 Mustang.
7. Traveled to most of the continental U.S.; plus Canada, Hawaii, and Israel.
8. Used to sing solos in church.
9. Catered food for a music video production for my kids.
10. I love Bible trivia questions

Wasn't that fun to read? Loved learning more about Jill and hope you did too.

Now about Abigail:
Abigail is the third wife of King David and her journey is one of heartache and shattered dreams, but in the end she grows stronger for what she has endured and her relationship to David takes an interesting turn.

Here's the back-cover copy:
What price must she pay for true love?Her days marked by turmoil and faded dreams, Abigail has resigned herself to a life with a man she does not love. When her husband Nabal’s foolish pride angers David and his men, she boldly steps forward to save her family—and David, the would-be king, takes notice.

Circumstances offer Abigail a second chance at happiness with the handsome David, and she takes a leap of faith to join his wandering tribe. But her struggles are far from over. How can she share his love with the other women he insists on marrying?
Abigail follows the bestselling Michal and continues Jill Eileen Smith’s rich story of David’s wives.

What people are saying about Jill's writing:

“With skill honed by years of historical research, made sharper still with a gifted passion for storytelling, Jill Eileen Smith crafts the story of Abigail in a way that takes us deep into the heart of King David and into the heart of a woman determined to follow God’s will, no matter the cost to her—or to the man she loves.”—Tamera Alexander, bestselling author of From a Distance and The Inheritance

“Smith’s writing swept me back to ancient days and brought Abigail and David’s love story vividly to life.”—Deborah Raney, award-winning author of Almost Forever and the Clayburn Novels

“A rich tapestry of an era filled with love and longing that rings true across the centuries.”—Siri Mitchell, author of Love’s PursuitAvailable from Amazon and fine bookstores everywhere.

If that link doesn't work, try this: http://www.amazon.com/Abigail-Novel-Wives-King-David/dp/0800733215/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1255574353&sr=8-4

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you will check out Abigail, and the other two books in this series. I'll let you know when the third one releases.

By the way, here's where Jill hangs out online:


Have a great week!

Cheryl Wyatt

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon-An Albuquerque Story

Okay, I confess I chose that title because I wanted to see if I still knew how to spell it. LOL!

I love cowboy and cowgirl stories because they remind me of my western heritage. I grew up in New Mexico near Albuquerque so when I discovered Steven Bly's new book was set there, I was excited to let others know about it. Here's more info if you're interested in picking it up:

Here’s some bits of info below for Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon.



A 10-year-old boy with red straw cowboy hat, cap gun, and silver-painted wooden bullets. Six story-telling, cribbage playing old cowboys. A ’49 Plymouth with open trunk. A damsel in distress. All the fixings for a summer’s day adventure at the Matador Hotel in 1954 Albuquerque.

Maybe you weren’t born 100 years too late!

Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon is a twist on the traditional Western story.

In 1954, six men who spent their youth as cowboys in the Southwest, now gather at the Matador Hotel lobby in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico, for weekly games of cribbage. One rainy afternoon, one of the men brings his grandson. They’re delighted with this captive audience. They all play cribbage and the men tell stories of their exploits in the old days. The eldest was born during the Civil War. All of them cowboyed from the late 1880s until the 1940s. They tell first-hand stories of what the West was truly like.

Many years later, the boy looks back and remembers the day he heard of a way of life and western tradition that’s quickly becoming extinct. He also recalls the lessons he learned and the excitement of a drama that unfolded before them that provoked the cowboys’ last stand.

This reminiscent account of real cowboy lives resonates like Andy Adams’ book, The Log of a Cowboy, written in the early 1900s.

Author’s suggestion: this book is best read aloud, as though around a campfire, by someone who gets the hang of the rhythm of the language.

EXCERPT FROM CHAPTER ONE: http://snipurl.com/z5n0g

Miscellany Quotes from Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon:

The Matador Hotel died on July 5th, 1965, but they didn’t bother burying it until last fall.

New Mexico heat blanketed Albuquerque that July like too many covers in a stuffy cabin. . .the kind of day that you sweat from the inside out and feel sticky dirt in places that you don’t ponder much except in the shower.

Cribbage and cowboys. . .I figured I fit right in.

The early May rain came down hard, the kind of cloudburst when the drops slap your face and you take it personal.

There’s a quiet buzz from antique ceiling fans, like six thousand crickets, all out of tune. You don’t even notice, until there’s silence.

Folks today think that 1954 existed in some other galaxy, on some other planet. Maybe they’re right. It’s hard to believe that world and this one are made of the same stuff.

“If you feel prodded, Shorty, it’s the shovel of the Lord. He’s diggin’ you up and intends on restorin’ you.”

2 REVIEW QUOTES from previous Stephen Bly novels:

“I have always been a fan of Louis L’Amour but I must say your book is as good if not better than anything of his. I shall remain a fan of Stephen Bly.” -- Jimmy Dickens, Grand Ole Opry

“Bly offers a kinder, gentler Western that should appeal to fans of Louis L’Amour.” – Library Journal

INTERVIEW with the author:

Q. What is meant by the term “cowboy philosopher.” What is it about the “cowboy life” that lends itself to philosophizing and a closer walk with God?
A cowboy’s friendships were shaped by tough work and tragedy, companionship and daily battle with weather and critters. Only the battlefields of Europe and the Pacific would equal the old West in producing men of courage and character. This stark reality on the land, with lots of nights around a campfire and under the heavens, goaded them to storytelling, philosophizing, and wondering about God.

“Little Brother, a man don’t jump into the stream until he sees which way the water’s flowin’,” says a character in my newest release, Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon (June 1st, hardback). It’s told from a 10-year-old boy’s point-of-view, but years later as an adult. He learns many life lessons one summer’s day in a lobby at the Matador Hotel in Albuquerque. He gets a graduate degree in cowboy philosophy.

Q. Why did you pick Albuquerque, New Mexico for your setting in this newest novel?

Because I’ve been there many times to vacation or do research. I enjoy this state very much. The only other place I’ve been that possesses such wonderful layers of culture stacked one upon another is Rome. The old cowboys at the Matador Hotel in Albuquerque share one layer of New Mexico’s history, a fairly modern era.

Every chapter I wrote in Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon made me miss New Mexico. The state motto is “land of enchantment.” But it’s more than a Chamber of Commerce slogan that tugs me. It’s an intriguing state to explore. This state’s ripe for numerous stories.

Q. How did you get the idea for Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon?
This novel is not based on my life, per se. However, what makes it personal, like a memoir: as a 10-year-old boy in 1954, I spent many afternoons playing cribbage with my grandpa, just like Little Brother in the novel. And I also heard many accounts about the “old days.” Many images from those times together in the 1950s embedded in my mind. I finally wrote about it.

Q. What was one of your challenges in writing Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon?

A rather technical one…Albuquerque is tough to spell right every time. In fact, it ranks #4 in the most misspelled list on none other than ePodunk.com. The other contenders are Cincinnati, Tucson and Pittsburgh. I finally started to get it right on the second draft by remembering an old song: A-L-B-U-Q-U-E-R-Q-U-E (Lyrics by Herb Hendler, Music by Ralph Flanagan ©1951). This made it easy enough for even a cowboy to spell.

Gotta go, gotta go back to New Mexico,
where my true love waits for me.
Gotta get on the tracks
cause I'm on my way back
To A-L-B-U-Q-U-E-R-Q-U-E.

The tune, of course, is integral to teaching the spelling. I can’t help you there, even if we met in person. But my musical wife could hum it just fine.

However, I did discover that there are definite advantages to setting a story mainly indoors, as most of this book is. It’s easier to research. Take New Mexico, for instance. . .as soon as I move my characters out into the woods, I’ve got to decide which tree they’ll hunker next to. Hey, it’s not easy to pick the right tree. Picking the right weed can be tougher. So, I stayed most the time inside the Matador Hotel. Except when all the main characters hop into that ’49 Plymouth with the open trunk.

Q. What other kind of genre would you be interested in writing besides westerns?

My wife and I have enjoyed writing together what she calls ‘cozy mysteries’. We did The Hidden West Series (contemporary) and The Carson City Chronicles Series (historical) and so much enjoyed the research on location and process. I’d be delighted to do more these with her.

Q. What’s next for you?

I’ve got a contract for a historical romance western, set on a train from Omaha to Sacramento, with the working title Throw Away Heart. In addition, I’m thinking through a mystery story set in the early 1900s on the Oregon coast on a golf course, starring Stuart Brannon, one of my early cowboy protagonists, as an old man. He’s invited to a golf tourney by friends and feels very awkward on the links, but finds plenty of adventures anyway. As ardent fans of my books know, Stewart Brannon makes some sort of cameo appearance or mention in every Stephen Bly novel, whether historical or contemporary.

Stephen Bly has published 103 books of historical and contemporary fiction (37 classic westerns) and Christian life and family nonfiction for adults, teens, and kids (9-14 yrs.). Eighteen books were co-authored with wife, Janet. Four of his novels were finalists for the Christy Award. His historical western, The Long Trail Home, won a Christy. The Blys have 3 married sons and 3 grandchildren and live in north-central Idaho at 4,000 ft. elev. on the Nez Perce Indian Reservation.

Learn more about the Blys at their website www.BlyBooks.com or “On A Western Trail” blog www.BlyBooks.blogspot.com or follow then on twitter www.twitter.com/BlyBooks or friend them on Facebook (Stephen Bly or Janet Chester Bly).

Cowboy For A Rainy Afternoon (hardback, Center Point) is available by order through your local bookstore (Ingram Distributors) or online www.Amazon.com or www.BlyBooks.com . You may also check it out at your local library.

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bookamendations: Bride in Training by Gail Gaymer Martin-Steeple Hill Love Inspired

Hey blogees!

Have another great book to tell you about. This one is a Steeple Hill Love Inspired.

I have LOVED the art work on Gail's dog series. They are SO cute. The story is fabulous too. Hope you will check it out.

The author and book info can be found below. Hope you will check it out. Have a great week.


Cheryl Wyatt


And Puppy Makes Three

Perfectionist Martin Davis's life is in turmoil. The lonely businessman's search for companionship led him to adopt a dog--a rather rambunctious terrier. And now Martin's at his wits' end. When dog trainer, Emily Ireland offers to help, Martin is grateful--and intrigued.

But he's wary of getting too close to the sweet, pretty Emily, especially when he learns of her scandalous past. Can Martin ever open his heart to the possibility that Emily just may be his perfect bride?
Bride In Training received 4 stars in the Romantic Times Book Reviews, and I was thrilled. So if you enjoy dogs, their antics and romance, I think you'll enjoy this series.

Award-winning author, Gail Gaymer Martin writes for Steeple Hill and Barbour with 44 published novels and over 3 million books in print . She writes women's fiction, romance and romantic suspense and is the author of Writing the Christian Romance, released by Writers Digest Books She is a cofounder of American Christian Gail was recently named Author of the Year by Barbour Publisher's Heartsong Presents readership. Gail is a popular speaker at churches and women's events and teaches writing at conferences across the U.S.


You can also find this book on Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0373876122?ie=UTF8&tag=novgaigaymar-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bookamendations: A MATTER OF CHARACTER by Robin Lee Hatcher

Hello blogosphere!

Hope you had a great weekend.

Got a new book by an author I love to tell you about:

by Robin Lee Hatcher
Historical Romance
June 2010 release

Who says a woman can’t keep a secret?
It's 1918, and Daphne McKinley, heiress to a small fortune, has found contentment in the town of Bethlehem Springs. But Daphne has a secret.
A series of dime novels loosely based on local lore and featuring a nefarious villain known as Rawhide Rick has enjoyed modest popularity among readers. Nobody in Bethlehem Springs knows the man behind the stories … except Daphne.
When newspaperman Joshua Crawford comes to town searching for the man who sullied the good name of his grandfather, Daphne finds herself at a crossroads, reassessing the power of her words, re-thinking how best to honor her gifts, and reconsidering what she wants out of life.
View the book trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84yGMuj21Uo

About the Author:

The author of over 60 books, best-selling novelist Robin Lee Hatcher is known for her heartwarming and emotionally charged stories of faith, courage, and love. She makes her home in Idaho where she enjoys spending time with her family and her high-maintenance Papillon, Poppet. She invites you to drop by her web site and her Facebook Page to learn more about her and her books.

Web site: http://www.robinleehatcher.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Robin-Lee-Hatcher-Novelist/48662178098?ref=mf

Hope you will check it out!

Have a wonderful week.

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In Seekerville Today

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, June 14, 2010

Her Abundant Joy by Lyn Cote

Hey all,

I have another book to tell you about. This is Lyn Cote's final book in the Texas Star of Destiny series. It's titled Her Abundant Joy from Avon Inspire.

ISBN # 978-0061373428

Tagline: Can a beautiful young widow find peace in the arms of a Texas Ranger?

In 1846, young widow Mariel Wolfe survived the grueling voyage from
Germany to start a new life in the "promised" land of Texas. Forced by
circumstances to become a servant, Mariel is now determined to quit a
harsh master. But how can a single woman face the frontier on her own?

Texas Ranger Carson Quinn is responsible for leading her party of
German immigrants safely through dangerous Comanche-held territory. As
he watches Mariel hold her head high in spite of everything, he will
stop at nothing to protect her.

But war is brewing: Mexico will not accept the U.S. annexation of the
young Texas Republic without a fight. Honor bound to fight for Texas,
Carson's deepest longing is to lay down his rifle. As Mariel and
Carson fall deeply in love, could her painful past or this new war
destroy all their hopes? Will the tide of history sweep them far from
peace, far from a life together?

Cheryl here: Lyn Cote writes about brave women with brave stories. This one is no exception and I hope you'll consider it next time you're looking for a good book to read.

Have a wonderful week!

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, June 07, 2010

Recommending Love Inspired Suspense, End Game by Author Roxanne Rustand

Hey all! I'm excited to tell you about a new Love Inspired Suspense that will keep you nibbling your nails deep into the night. Check out End Game by Author Roxanne Rustand.

Later taters!

Cheryl Wyatt

INFO on the book:

Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense
Roxanne Rustand
Release: June, 2010

It should be IN STORES SOON so check the shelves on your next trip to town.

Here it starts:

"I'll be seeing you again…."

The attacker's words still ring in Deputy Megan Peters's ears. Her attempt to trap the serial rapist terrorizing Lost Falls failed, but she has succeeded in becoming the target of his attention. Undaunted, Megan moves forward in her investigation, and Scott Anders, the only newcomer in town, draws her suspicion. Is his gentleness just an act? Yet as Megan and Scott grow closer, she finds herself questioning her instincts. What will she believe—her heart or the evidence that seems to be mounting against Scott?

First Page:
"I won't stop until I find this guy, Anna." Seeing the raw pain in her friend's eyes, Megan Peters took a deep breath and forced back the memories threatening to swamp her. "I promise."

"How?" Anna lashed out, pulling her hands away from Megan's. "I didn't see his face. I don't know who it was, and neither did the other woman who got away. And the two dead girls won't be talking."

The bitterness in Anna's voice stung Megan as if she'd been slapped. "No. But the DNA—"

"Hasn't matched anyone in the system so far, and probably never will, right? This guy will never be caught."

"But it does connect the crimes, so when we get him, we'll be able to send him away for good. There'll be a time when someone picks up on a clue. Someone else who escapes."

They both fell silent, Megan's words a chilling re minder of the two women who had been raped and murdered within the past six months. If a group of noisy hikers hadn't come by and scared off her attacker, Anna might have been number three."


Drop by Roxanne's blog (see blog roll on lower right) or her website.

To purchase, go here.

An excerpt is available here.

Author Bio:

This is Roxanne Rustand's twenty-fourth published book, and her seventh since moving into inspirational fiction. Her first manuscript won the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart, and her second was a Golden Heart finalist. One of her books won RT Bookclub Magazine's award for Best Superromance of 2006, and she was nominated for RT's Career Achievement Award in 2005. She has given workshops at national and regional writer's conferences from coast to coast, and also through various online venues.

The first book in this Big Sky Secrets series, FINAL EXPOSURE, won first place in the 2010 WisRWA Writer Touch Readers Award for Inspirational Fiction and is now a finalist in the 2010 Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence for Inspirational Suspense/Mystery.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Blogging at Novel Journey today

Blogging at Novel Journey today. Would love it if you stopped by and said hey! Hope to see you there.

Have a great day,

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Blogging at Love Inspired Authors Blog today. Please join me?

Who do you miss the most today and why? Tell me here @ the Love Inspired authors' blog.

Hope to see you there!

Have a wonderful week,

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, May 24, 2010

Recommending SHADES OF MORNING by Marlo Schalesky

Hey all,

Here's another great book by an author I love. Hope you will check it out. Marlo is a fantabulous storyteller whose work will tug your heartstrings. You might find yourself different when you close her book than you were when you opened it...and that's a good thing. Be blessed! Here's more info:

By Marlo Schalesky
Published by Waterbrook-Multnomah Publishers
Shades of Morning is Marlo’s third “Love Story with a Twist” (think a Nicolas Sparks type love story with an M. Night Shyamalan type twist!).

Marnie Wittier has life just where she wants it. Quiet. Peaceful. No drama. A long way away from her past. In the privacy of her home, she fills a box with slips of paper, scribbled with her regrets, sins, and sorrows. But that’s nobody else’s business. Her bookstore/coffee shop patrons, her employees, her friends from church - they all think she’s the very model of compassion and kindness. Then Marnie’s past creeps into her present when her estranged sister dies and makes Marnie guardian of her fifteen-year-old son—a boy Marnie never knew existed. And when Emmit arrives, she discovers he has Down syndrome - and that she’s woefully unprepared to care for him. What’s worse, she has to deal with Taylor Cole, her sister’s attorney, a man Marnie once loved—and abandoned. As Emmit—and Taylor—work their way into her heart, Marnie begins to heal. But when pieces of her dismal past surface again, she must at last face the scripts of paper in her box, all the regrets and sorrows. Can she do it? Or will she run again?

Top Pick! 4 ½ Stars! “Schalesky has a knack for weaving a surprising spiritual twist into her tales. The touching plot will make readers examine how they deal with past regrets, and how God moves them through it. A not-to-be-missed, stunning novel!”

Marlo Schalesky is the award winning author of numerous books, including her latest novel Shades of Morning, which combines a love story with a surprise ending twist. Marlo’s other books include the Christy Award winning Beyond the Night, and its sequel If Tomorrow Never Comes. Marlo is also the author of nearly 700 articles, the mother of 5 young children, and holds her Masters in Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. When she’s not changing diapers, doing laundry, or writing books, Marlo loves sipping Starbucks white mochas, reading the New Testament in Greek, and talking about finding the deep places of God in everyday life.

Marlo's Web site
Marlo on Facebook

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

In Seekerville Today

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Saturday Book Stroll-Almost Forever by Deborah Raney

Welcome back to Saturday Book Stroll! I'm here to tell you about another great book by an author I love. I LOVE this cover too. Just awesome.

Almost Forever
by Deborah Raney
A Hanover Falls Novel
from Howard/Simon & Schuster

Unearthing a lost memory may cause her to lose everything she holds dear. but could it also set her free?

Volunteer Bryn Hennesey was there at the Grove Street Homeless Shelter the night five heroic firefighters died at the scene. Among them was her husband, Adam.

Now a terrifying absence of memory has her wondering if she might, in some way, be responsible. Garrett Edmonds' wife, Molly, was the only female firefighter to perish in the blaze. He was supposed to protect the woman he loved.now she's the one who's died a hero. How can he go on in the face of such unbearable loss? And what started the fire that destroyed the dreams and futures of so many? Investigators are stumped. But someone knows the answer...

Deborah Raney books always captivate me! Almost Forever is a beautifully written and enthralling read. It made my heart sing, dance, cry, and turn more than a few flips!
~CindyWoodsmall, New York Times best-selling author

As a fan of the very talented Deborah Raney, I expected a great read and I got it in the richly emotional Almost Forever, a story of faith, forgiveness and redemption. It began with a gripping scene and proceeded to hold me enthralled to the end. Don't miss this one!
~Karen Young, author of Missing Max and Blood Bayou

DEBORAH RANEY is at work on her 20th novel. Her books have won the RITA Award, HOLT Medallion, National Readers' Choice Award, Silver Angel, and have twice been Christy Award finalists. Her first novel, A Vow to Cherish, inspired the World Wide Pictures film of the same title. Almost Forever, first in her new Hanover Falls Novels series, will release in May from Howard/Simon & Schuster. Deb and her husband, Ken Raney, enjoy small-town life in Kansas. They are new empty nesters with four grown children and two precious grandsons, all of whom live much too far away.

Visit Deb on the web at www.deborahraney.com
Order her books here.

Hope you will pick up your copy soon! Have a wonderful week.


Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Blogging at Love Inspired Authors' Blog Today

I'm blogging at loveinspiredauthors.blogspot.com today. Actually, I'm doing a poll there and hope you'll drop by and comment.

I also provide a link to an interview with Steeple Hill's Executive Editor, Joan Marlow Golan. I love this woman! Hope you'll drop by and get to know her too.

We're doing GOBS of giveaways.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Folks are TOO quiet over there. Go and stir up some comments. LOL!

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Calculated Revenge by Jill Nelson-Steeple Hill Love Inspired Suspense

Calculated Revenge by Jill Elizabeth Nelson
Steeple Hill Romantic Suspense
(c) 2010

Cheryl here to recommend another book. This is a fellow Love Inspired author who writes for the suspense line. Hope you'll check it out wherever books are sold. When it's off the shelf in stores, it will still be available online at any bookseller. Jill's plots are always unique, so check this one out.


It’s been eighteen years since Laney Thompson’s sister was abducted and killed, but the pain Laney feels has never faded. And now the murderer is back, taunting Laney with mementos of her sister and threatening Laney’s young daughter. School principal Noah Ryder is her best hope for protecting her daughter—if she can convince the former investigator to take the case. As the threats accelerate, a string of clues leads Laney to uncover old secrets. Unless Noah steps in with his expertise, how can she piece together the puzzle before her child—like her sister—is lost to a killer’s revenge?


I just finished your book. I love Christian Suspense books and this one is the best one I have read in a while. I never figured out the solution until it was evident to all. Wonderful suspense weaving throughout the book. Thanks, I will look for more books by you. I could not put it down once I got started.

Excellent, excellent book! It caught my attention from the first page and was so hard to put down! Keep on sharing God's love and gospel thru your writing - it is important to those who need encouragement as well as need to know our precious Savior!


Jill Elizabeth Nelson is an award-winning author of mystery and suspense. She writes what she likes to read—tales of adventure seasoned with romance, humor, and faith, earning her the tagline: Endless Adventure, Timeless Truth. Jill speaks at conferences, writer’s groups, library associations, and civic and church groups. She and her husband live in rural Minnesota where they raised four children and are currently enjoying their first grandchild.

Visit Jill Elizabeth Nelson’s website at http://www.jillelizabethnelson.com for excerpts, book giveaways, and contests.

You can order this book directly from your local bookstore, retail stores such as Walmart, or online here.

Jill Elizabeth Nelson
~~Endless Adventure, Timeless Truth~~


Reluctant Burglar, Reluctant Runaway, Reluctant Smuggler from Multnomah Books
Calculated Revenge (April 2010) and Legacy of Lies (October 2010) from Steeple Hill

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

In Seekerville Today PLUS GIVEAWAY!

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun. I've issued a fun challenge that you won't want to miss.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Book Stroll Feature: Sons of Thunder by Susan May Warren

Happy Saturday!
Here's another great book by an author I love: Sons of Thunder by Susan May Warren. The publisher is Summerside Press. If you like Steeple Hill books, I think you will enjoy Summerside's romance. If you read and enjoy Summerside, you'll also love Steeple Hill. Give them a try if you haven't or haven't in awhile. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

About Susan's book:
Sophie Frangos is torn between the love of two men and the promise that binds them all together. Markos Stavros loves Sophie from afar while battling his thirst for vengeance and his hunger for honor. Dino, his quiet and intelligent brother, simply wants to forget the horror that drove them from their Greek island home to start a new life in America. One of these “sons of thunder” offers a future she longs for, the other—the past she lost.

From the sultry Chicago jazz clubs of the roaring twenties to the World War II battlefields of Europe to a final showdown in a Greek island village, they’ll discover betrayal, sacrifice, and finally redemption. Most of all, when Sophie is forced to make her choice, she’ll learn that God honors the promises made by the Sons of Thunder.

Read and excerpt here.

About Susan:
Susan May Warren is the RITA award-winning author of twenty-four novels with Tyndale, Barbour and Steeple Hill. A four-time Christy award finalist, a two-time RITA Finalist, she’s also a multi-winner of the Inspirational Readers Choice award, and the ACFW Book of the Year.

Susan's larger than life characters and layered plots have won her acclaim with readers and reviewers alike. A seasoned women’s events and retreats speaker, she’s a popular writing teacher at conferences around the nation and the author of the beginning writer’s workbook: From the Inside-Out: discover, create and publish the novel in you!. She is also the founder of www.MyBookTherapy.com, a story-crafting service that helps authors discover their voice.

Susan makes her home in northern Minnesota, where she is busy cheering on her two sons in football, and her daughter in local theater productions (and desperately missing her college-age son!) A full listing of her titles, reviews and awards can be found at: Susan's Web site.
Connect with Susan on Facebook: www.susanmaywarren.com

Buy the book here.

Enter Susan’s Memory Prize Pack contest:
Each one of us has a wealth of stories from the past – while they might not all be as sweeping and dramatic as that of Sofia and the Stravos brothers (swoon), your family history is a treasure nonetheless.

Well – let’s hear them! Were your great-grandparents ‘fresh off the boat’? Was your great uncle a war hero? Did your grandmother make unbelievable sacrifices to help or protect the family? Did your father harbor a family secret until his death? Are you related to someone famous (my assistant is related to presidents Harrison and Jackson – wow! Who knew?) Do you have a family treasure? Maybe you just have some lovely memories. Whatever it is that is unique in your family history – share it with us.

Have a photo to go with your story? Even better!!!! Email those to amy@susanmaywarren.com !

One grand prize winner will win a Memory Prize package containing a gift certificate to create your own hard cover photo book, a 6 month membership to Netflix (to satisfy that flick fix!) and a signed copy of Sons of Thunder! 5 runners up will also win signed copies of Sons of Thunder! Contest ends March 31st. Winners will be announced April 2nd.



Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, March 22, 2010

Faith for a splinter & miracles abound

Astonished & thankful. Last week, God pushed a splinter from a little girl's finger.

Yesterday he raised someone I love from death.

Grandma Veda went into Vtac then full arrest. Code team started compressions then recalled she's a DNR. Stopped CPR. Gma unresponsive several moments. Then her arms flew up & she started breathing on her own w/no intervention. Sat up immediately & later asked for food. Cardiologist termed it a miracle. Said, "People don't come back from this without the paddles. This rhythm is lethal. They usually drop dead and can't be brought back & they certainly don't come back on their own. It wasn't her time. It just wasn't her time."

Thanks be to God.

Then more miracles occurred in the cath lab. The doctor brought out her last films and compared them in front of us with the current films & said they were surprised to get in there and find no intervention needed. 1.No blockage found. 2.Last film showed she had two collapsed vessels so the third was stented. Dr (astonished) said, "Not only is the stented vessel fine, 1 of the 2 closed vessels has somehow reopened on its own."


I know how.

By His stripes we are healed...

Thank you, God. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit for the peace and presence of yesterday. Profound thanks for more time with my granny.

She's determined to catch that elusive albino catfish in my parents' pond this summer.

Maybe God is determined she will too. :-)

Please believe.

God is alive and well and in control no matter what the circumstances look like.

If you're moved, whisper a prayer for her and shout a thanks for us because we have her for a while longer. God is still God. He is in control. He holds the keys.

I hope, in the light of this crazy health care plan, that brings peace in the midst of your fear regarding the future of America. Trust God and you will not be shaken no matter what is going on around you. We have a God who cares deeply about the stuff that concerns us. He is active and can intervene. He made a man out of dirt, a woman out of bone and He breathed life back into my grandma yesterday.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

In Seekerville Today

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, March 08, 2010

Featured book: Once in a Blue Moon by Leanna Ellis

Howdy all! Here’s the scoopage on another great book by an author I love: Once in a Blue Moon by Leanna Ellis is IN STORES NOW!

About the book:

Once in a Blue Moon

ISBN: 978-0-8054-4988-4 B&H Publishing

Faith is the first step to soaring.

The day Armstrong stepped on the moon has special memories for most Americans, but not for Bryn Seymour. It’s the day her mother died. Despite death defying feats, guilt has always pulled Bryn down time and again. But a perfect love shows her taking a leap of faith is the first step to soaring. But it only happens … once in a blue moon.

About the author:

‘Leanna Ellis takes a back seat to no one,’ says Debbie Macomber. But Leanna hopes she allows God in the driver’s seat as she taxies her two children to and from all their activities, lets her menagerie of pets in and out … in and out ..., figures out what to cook for dinner (or where to order takeout), and at the same time keeps those quirky characters in her head from bothering others. Winner of the National Readers Choice Award, Leanna writes quirky women’s fiction with a splash of romance. From a long line of southerners and patriots, she lives with her family in Texas.

Amazon Purchase Link

Excerpt Link

Author website
Author blog

Look for FACELIFT by Leanna in September 2010

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, March 01, 2010

The Canine Tumble aka Blushing Dog

ROFL! My dog fell asleep on the back of the couch, was dreaming and rolled off! LOL! Thankfully he tumbled forward onto the cushioned part rather than backwards onto the floor because he landed before he was fully awake. It's been like ten minutes and poor thing is still laying there looking embarrassed and befuddled...like he's still not sure what completely happened.

He's so cute!

I'd love to hear about your favorite pet antics. Talk away! :-)

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hero's Tribute by Graham Garrison

I read this book by accident. LOL! I received it from Douglas Public Relations
and had a few months to read it. I didn't intend to dive into it yet, but as soon as I opened it I started flipping through pages, curious to see what this new author had in store as far as writing style, etc. I couldn't stop reading.

The writing, the story and the dialogue in particular drew me in enough that I started at the beginning and inhaled it in one day...still sitting in the spot where I opened the box it came in. Call that engrosing. LOL! The characters sounded like real people. Graham's storytelling style reminds me a little of Philip Gulley, who I adore, and Graham shares the knack for depicting small town life well.

I was pleasantly surprised by this story...especially the beginning. Tonewise it reminded me of Facing the Giants. A gentle, surprising read. It's sold in stores and everywhere books are sold. Hope you'll pick up your copy soon.

Cheryl Wyatt

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Blog Tour Stop-Deliver Us From Evil by Robin Caroll & Interview

Cheryl here to introduce my good friend and awesome suspense author, Robin Caroll. I am so excited about the recent release of her debut single title, Deliver Us From Evil, from B&H. I read this story years ago in a contest, and even then, felt it would someday be a voice for little ones who can't speak out for themselves. While this book isn't agenda-driven, it does deal with child trafficking and I hope this book, though fiction, will help raise awareness of this horrific problem in the U.S. and abroad.

James Scott Bell, author of Deceived and Try Fear, said of Robin's book: "Deliver Us From Evil is the kind of novel 'Ripped from the headlines' was meant to describe. Compelling."

More about the book:

A beautiful yet tough woman working in a beautiful yet tough setting, Brannon Callahan is a search and rescue helicopter pilot for the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Strong faith and a decorated history of service have kept her one step ahead of on-the-job dangers, but there’s no precedent for what’s about to happen. After a blizzard takes down a small plane carrying U.S. Marshal Roark Holland (already haunted by a recent tragedy), Brannon must save him in more ways than one and safeguard the donor heart he’s transporting to a government witness on the edge of death. Otherwise the largest child trafficking ring in history—with shocking links from Thailand to Tennessee—will slip further away into darkness along the Appalachian Trail.

More about the author:
Born and raised in Louisiana, Robin Caroll is a Southern through and through. Her passion has always been to tell stories to entertain others. Robin’s books have placed/finaled in such contests as Bookseller’s Best, Book of the Year, and Reviewer’s Choice Award. When she isn’t writing, Robin spends time with her husband of twenty years, her three beautiful daughters, and their four character-filled pets at home—in the South, where else? An avid reader herself, Robin loves hearing from and chatting with other readers. Although her favorite genre to read is mystery/suspense, of course, she’ll read just about any good story. Except historicals! To learn more about this author of deep South mysteries of suspense to inspire your heart, visit Robin’s website.

What's next from Robin:

Dead Air (March '10, Steeple Hill Suspense)
Fear No Evil (Aug '10, B&H Publishing)


1. If the hero of your book could write a blurb about you, tell us what he'd say. Robin is demanding, and pushy. Wants to expose every weakness.
2. What about the heroine?
Robin works hard to live her faith, and loves to talk about it.
3. The villain? Robin?
That ()*(&^*&^%&^ who *&*&*^ is such a *(&(*&*&^..
4. What was the most interesting thing you learned while researching this book?
That human trafficking is modern day slavery, and occurs more often than people imagine-right under our noses!
5. What inspired the premise?
I saw a documentary and it ripped my heart out, but I couldn't stop watching.
6. What are some ways people can help stop child trafficking or bring awareness to the problem?
In the back of DELIVER US FROM EVIL, I list some links of some really awesome organizations. During the month of January, every post on my blog, www.robinswritingworld.blogspot.com discussed ways to raise awareness and get involved.
7. What are you working on now?
Right now, I've just finished the 3rd book in the "evil" trilogy. I'm working on ACFW conference stuff for the moment.
8. When will the next book be out in this series?
FEAR NO EVIL releases August 1, 2010
9. How can readers connect with you on the Web?
10. What other books being released by B&H are you excited about, other than your own? :-)
There are so many, but the one in my mind right at the moment (because it's on my desk since hubby finally finished reading it and returned it) is ROOMS by Jim Rubart. AWESOME read. And an upcoming one I'm REALLY excited about reading? Iscariot by Tosca Lee.

Thanks, Robin!

Everyone, I hope you will rush out and pick up your copy of Deliver Us From Evil today. You won't be sorry. It's an action-packed, emotionally-evocative story that you won't want to miss.

Later taters!

Cheryl Wyatt

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

In Seekerville Today

I'm blogging in Seekerville today.

Zip on over and join in the fun.

Thanks all!

Cheryl Wyatt

Monday, February 15, 2010

Beneath A Southern Sky by Deborah Raney

Hey all!

I have another great book to tell you about by an author I love: Beneath A Southern Sky
by Deborah Raney-WaterBrook Press

First released in 2001, Beneath a Southern Sky, has been reissued with a new cover as part of WaterBrook Press's new value line fiction.

Her Second Husband Healed the Sorrow of a Tragic Loss.
Her First Has Just Returned from the Dead.
Which Man Has the Right to Claim Daria's Heart?

After two years of serving as a missionary in a remote area of South America, Daria Camfield has returned to the States to mourn her husband, reportedly killed while providing medical aid to a neighboring Colombian village.

One family discovers how God can redeem any tragedy.

At first, Daria finds comfort only in the daughter born to her after Nate's tragic death. As she begins to heal, she also finds a listening ear and a tender heart in her new boss, veterinarian Colson Hunter. Determined to move forward with life, Daria ignores the still small voice calling her to wait and accepts Cole's marriage proposal. But after the wedding, Daria's new dream life turns into a nightmare with the arrival of an unbelievable telegram:"Nathan Camfield found alive. Flying into K.C. Int'l. via Bogota…"

Now two men have the right to her daughter, her life, and her love. Will Daria return to her beloved first husband, abandoning Cole? Or will she reject Nate and choose the only man her daughter has ever called "Daddy"--a man she has come to cherish with all her heart?

Deb has won numerous awards:
• 2002 RITA Award from RWA
• 2002 FH&L Inspirational Readers' Choice Award
• Book of the Year for American Christian Romance Writers (now ACFW)
• 2001 Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award
• 2002 HOLT Medallion Finalist
• 2002 Aspen Gold Award, 2nd place
• Named one of christianbook.com's Top 10 Fiction book of 2001

BIO: DEBORAH RANEY is at work on her 20th novel. Her books have won the RITA Award, HOLT Medallion, National Readers' Choice Award, Silver Angel, and have twice been Christy Award finalists. Her first novel, A Vow to Cherish, inspired the World Wide Pictures film of the same title. Almost Forever, first in her new Hanover Falls Novels series, will release in May from Howard/Simon & Schuster. Deb and her husband, Ken Raney, enjoy small-town life in Kansas. They are new empty nesters with four grown children and two precious grandsons, all of whom live much too far away.

Visit Deborah's WEBSITE