Monday, January 30, 2012

Story Starter Scene Prompts-20

Story Starter Prompt
• Write a 500-3500 word scene using five of fifteen Prompt Words.
• Begin each scene using one of three Scene Starter Sentences.
• Use any combination of (1) sentence/(5) words.
• Do three separate scenes with each prompt sentence if you want.
• Or if you’re really brave, try using ALL 15 prompt words in their proper usage and incorporate all three sentences into your scene hook ins or hooks out.
• Most of all, have fun!

Prompt Words:
1. Blue
2. Basket
3. Hot-Air Balloon
4. Peak
5. Peek
6. Its
7. It's
8. Ride
9. Wish
10. Tangle
11. Landing
12. Hard
13. Safety
14. Rope
15. Rescue

Scene Starter Sentences:
A. "It's coming down!"
B. "You want to what?"
C. This isn't happening.

Happy Writing!

Cheryl Wyatt

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